Following prayer is intended to be a directive to those who sincerely seek for salvation. and are willing to pronounce that their salvation is only by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sinner’s prayer.
God of Israel, I acknowledge that you are the One and only True God. You are the Creator of heaven and earth. You are Holy. You created man without sin and death: Adam, the first human being, was a son of You; Luke 3:38
He was disobedient to You, became mortal and so, separated from You for eternity.
That is: to perish.
But You love all men and do not want that they remain separated from You for ever. In order to save them, You, Yourself became man, called Jesus, Lord Jesus, You are the Son of God, and You are also God. You gave Your life and blood as ransom, to buy mankind free from the power of death and sin. You took the sin of all mankind upon You; You underwent unbearable suffering, laid of Your life voluntarily, and died. You rose from death and are alive. You are the Eternal Life.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life. John 3:16
The Lord Jesus wants to live in the heart of man,
by His Holy Spirit. Jesus says to every human being:
Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears My voice and opens the door,
I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Rev. 3:20
I, as well, descend from Adam; I am mortal, so: a sinner.
You paid for me: so You have a right to me: this I acknowledge.
I surrender myself to You. I open my heart to You and ask You to cleanse it with Your blood. Respectfully I invite You: Please, come into my heart, Lord Jesus . . .
Now I am being filled with Your Holy Spirit.
I thank you that I so simply became a child of God. Ps. 51:19
I ask You to forgive for all my sins, of the past and today.
You have heard and answered my prayer, for You say:
“He who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” John 6:37
I have repented and you have given me new birth; that is born of God..
You, Lord Jesus, the Word of God, is living inside of me now.
Please teach me Your Word, through Your Holy Spirit.
Now I am Your property, so I give to You my body, my soul and spirit, my will,
my own opinion, my marriage, children, relatives, friends, my plans for the future,
everything I consider to be “mine”.
What has to go, goes. What I may keep, I keep, as received from You.
Between You and me I will confess my sins from the past . . .
I now received eternal life with You and the forgiving of sin(s),
all of this thanks to You, Lord Jesus, Who loved me and gave Yourself for me. Amen.
Note well
This prayer has to be reverently pronounced, aloud;
for by the spoken Word, God made the Creation. Psalms 33:9
Why pronounce? Deuteronomy 30:14-15 ; Romans 10:8-10
In this way you become a New Creation. Psalms 51:17